What is Sad Bear GVNG?
Sad Bear Gvng was founded by Wade Anthony in offering a safe space for artists/ musicians to create and showcase their talents amongst peers to organically grow stronger communities.
What does GVNG mean?
GVNG ~ (V is an upside down A, GANG) : gang used as a slang that means “official “.
I bought a ticket, now what?
Keep your purchase records til entry into event. We are human and mistakes can occur, but if everything goes smoothly all you have to do is present your ID at the door and state you are on the guestlist. If this is any hiccup please show proof of ticket purchase. Thanks for your support
I ordered merch when will I receive my item?
If you purchase any preorders, shipments go out release day then allow 2-3 business days via USPS.
Whats the best way to support?
Best way to support is to come out to our events and have a great time. If you cannot make it to an event then please feel free to share our post on social media or purchase some merch so that you are better prepared for the next moment. What we do consist of so much energy and the more love we receive the more we will serve you. We also have sponsorship packages and if interested please be sure to email sbg@sadbeargvng.art and in the subject line please write “SPONSORSHIP INFO”
What is SBR?
SBR means Sad Bear Radio. Consist of multiple DJs across the nation to feature deep cuts from multiple genres. Far from your top 40 radio station. One of the community aspects is each DJ periodically breaks new local artist to be discovered.